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Medicaid Waiver Services and Service Coordination

The Nursing Home Transtition and Diversion  and the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Medicaid waivers were developed based on the philosophy that individuals with disabilities and/or seniors and people with TBI's have the same rights as others. This includes the right to be in control of their lives, encounter and manage risks and learn from their experiences. This is balanced with the waiver program’s responsibility to assure the waiver participants’ health and welfare. Waiver services are provided based on the participant’s unique strengths, needs, choices and goals. The individual is the primary decision-maker and works in cooperation with providers to develop a Service Plan. This process leads to personal empowerment, increased independence, greater community inclusion, self-reliance and meaningful productive activities


15 Third Street
New CIty, NY 10956, US

In the blackest pits, or emptiest of voids, there is always a guiding light; it's just up to us to find it. - Author: Robert Storey

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